Thursday, August 27, 2015

Bullet Points of the Idea

I would like to highlight the main points of this idea:
These are explained more in the tab at the top of the blog called brief overview - again that is more detail but is only a brief over view. If interested I will try to start posting more a little later in the year if possible, health and time permitting or you can contact me be leaving a word on this blog or better yet my Facebook page or my blog Happy Colors
  • There is a moral force in the universe that is governed by natural laws 
  • This moral force is the same through out the known universe and originated with the other known forces, perhaps at the big bang.
  • Those moral laws are able to be mathematically defined and calculated
  • There are moral values that are constant and there are other moral values that are variable depending on the circumstance or frame of reference
  • That frame of reference gives you a perspective and perception which gives you a reality
  • That reality through that perspective is able to be mathematically defined and calculated
  • The validity of a moral issue within that defined, or given reality is able to be mathematically defined and calculated following the natural moral laws of the universe                                                                                     

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Morality, E.T., and Us

 Living things are different from one another not just in the physical aspects but also in personality,character and instincts, yet all living things follow within there own species, their own sets of standards and behavior, their own sense of morality from their own perspective, their own reality.  These different moral values or standards are not just some hap-hazard circumstances of fate but follow overriding natural laws that can be defined and calculated like the other forces of nature such the electromagnetic force or gravity. It would only stand to reason that these moral laws permeate the universe and that all living things anywhere in the universe would be subject to these same overriding moral laws governing the moral aspects of their lives.