Saturday, September 26, 2015

Depending on the Circumstance

There is an old saying that says that what is one man's meat is another man's poison, another that says that one man's trash  is another man's treasure.  I think both of these sayings are trying to express the same idea, and that idea is that what works for one in one circumstance will not necessarily work for another.   We each  are different, the circumstances around us are different and that difference gives each of us, indeed each circumstance a different relationship to the universe, a different reality.  Every event in the universe, whether a person,a rock or a supernova has a circumstance, a frame of reference around it defining it.  The outlook through that frame of reference leads to a given reality.

When we gather into societies and begin to form laws we are doing that for several reasons, we are trying to establish and keep peace and the day to day workings of that society functioning,  and we are doing that by trying to learn and follow the natural laws that govern morality, for morality that is the glue that binds a society and it is morality that inspires a society to live.  If a group of people wants it's laws to work to keep their society functioning and peaceful, to be just and fair to all then it's laws must follow natures laws.  This is nothing new - Aristotle and Cisero among others talked of this but what we must realize is that our laws must conform to each circumstance to allow natures laws to work in each circumstance, in each given reality.  I believe to do that we must understand, through mathematics, not just natures laws but reality as well and the unique and beautiful relationship they have upon one another.

In order to do this I believe that there are two types of moral laws or perhaps a better way of putting it would be to say that there are two aspects to moral laws or at least most moral laws and that would be a constant and a variable aspect.   Moral laws work different in different circumstances, but they will all follow certain basic principles constant in all circumstances, in all frames of reference. Our modern court system allows for these variations by allowing judges to sentence different people that commit the same crime to different sentences - depending on the circumstances.  

Emotions, something that could perhaps be understood through the mathematics of light and sound has a deep relationship to morality and moral laws, indeed it seems emotions are the hearts language of morality.  It is the truth of moral laws that inspire.  It is the beauty of moral laws that give us meaning. To understand emotions would help us to understand morality.

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